Thank You


From the Founder


Dear Friend

Esther’s Place has provided critical services to at-risk women and children in Everett, WA. Currently, Esther’s Place serves 300 women per week with breakfast, lunch, and basic needs like toiletries and socks, as well as human needs, like a sense of love and belonging. A community that welcomes them. A family that is always happy to see them. The Hoff Foundation started Esther’s Place five years ago with the help of our community, we began to meet these needs with just a few staff and a cadre of dedicated volunteers. 

Our outreach services to Snohomish County have shown women who are connected to Esther’s Place on a weekly basis have a 65% reduced rate of returning to any addictive or criminal behavior. These kinds of statistics can mean many things. It means lives saved, it means mothers coming home, it means fewer resources dedicated to incarceration, it means more beautiful and safer communities as all members have the opportunity to thrive. 

The Hoff Foundation is a foundation of neighbors. Of businesses and churches. All of our support comes from those who understand that we can build the community we want by addressing everyone’s needs – even the needs of those who often have nothing. 

We have increased our fundraising goal this year to meet the ever-increasing needs of the women and children we serve. We have hired an Executive Director. In a year, we hope to find a space that is more suitable and can provide some basic comforts like a shower and a way to launder clothing. A place that provides safety, warmth, and community, as well as hot meals and a chance to engage in offering help to others. Hope begins with belonging, and we have women in our program who have found a home at Esther’s Place. They feel safe. They feel welcome. And, they know that they belong.

What we do taxes our resources every single day. If you have the capability of sharing your good fortune with those less fortunate, we will put your contributions to immediate use in caring for the women and children who come to Esther’s Place.

We have the objective to never turn away a hungry woman or child. This financial need is constant. We will always be grateful for any support in any amount. Sometimes a spiderweb can tie up a lion. So, contributions within your ability to give are deeply appreciated by all of us who do this work every day.

We could not do the work we do without your help. Thank you and bless you for your kind consideration of the women of Esther’s Place. 


Judy Hoff
Executive Director
Hoff Foundation