Need Help?
Review the below resources to get the help you need

Esther’s Place Day Center
Esther’s Place is located at 3705 Broadway, Everett and is open from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday – Friday.
At our Day Resource Center women and children can receive:
- showers
- breakfast and lunch
- clothing and hygiene items
- access to addication recovery
- volunteers to help you navigate the many available resources
Snohomish County 2-1-1 is another option for people who are in need.
- Dial 211 or 1-800-223-8145 (Monday – Friday, 8am – 6pm)
- Visit their website
- Access an extensive database of community services, including:
- food, shelter, and housing
- rent and utility assistance
- legal assistance
- financial assistance
- governmental assistance programs
- health care
- employment
- education
- family support programs
- The WA Recovery Helpline provides emotional support 24 hours a day, and offer local treatment resources for substance abuse, problem gambling and mental health as well as to other community services. WA Recovery Help Line: 866-789-1511 (24/7)
- The 24-hour Crisis Line can link you you or your loved one to the appropriate services. 24-Hour Crisis Line: 866-4-CRISIS (866-427-4747).
- Teen Link is a confidential and anonymous help line for teens. Each evening from 6-10 PM trained teen volunteers are available to talk with you about any issue of concern. No issue is too big or too small! Teen Link: 866-833-6546
- Additional resources and information are available at Snohomish County.

Shelter and Housing Resources
In need of shelter tonight?
Call 2-1-1 to check shelter availability.
In need of family housing or shelter?
Snohomish County’s Coordinated Entry / Diversion provides referrals to housing and shelter for families experiencing homelessness. To reach, call 2-1-1. More information is available at Coordinated Entry for Snohomish County.
In need of women’s housing or shelter?
The Everett Housing Authority offers shelter placement for women experiencing homelessness, including at our New Creation Community Housing. To request shelter placement, call 425-290-8499 or 2-1-1. For New Creation Community Housing call 425-512-0749.
In need of Veteran housing or services?
If you are currently a homeless Veteran or at risk of losing housing, please call the VA’s Homeless Outreach Clinic at 425-203-7200.
Snohomish County Network for Care has housing and other options available to veterans and their families.
The King County Veterans Program connects low-income, homeless and at-risk Veterans and their families to vital resources, including emergency financial assistance, housing assistance, employment services, case management, mental health referrals, and other supportive services. Clients are subject to program requirements, length of service standards, and income guidelines. To schedule an appointment, call 206-296-7656. More information is available at the